Hold Me Tight® Programme

Hold me tight

Hold Me Tight: 8-week Relationship Enhancement Workshop

Imagine being able to understand each other better and build an even more loving and authentic connection that gets stronger over a lifetime. Hold Me Tight workshop has been designed to do just that. It is a positive, research-based programme for all couples that want to gain skills to strengthen and deepen their relationship. It combines education and practical application of evidence-based relational skills with the excitement of experiential learning.

What to expect?

    • Educational talks on the neuroscience of attachment and love intermingled with video demonstrations and discussions. This includes short video clips of real couples interactions.
    • Opportunities to engage in structured exercises which involve conversations between partners. These conversations are the building blocks of Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples which has the highest success rate of any form of couple therapy.
    • Learning how to repair relationship injuries and how to regain or build trusting bond.
    • Practicing a new way of communicating that prevents relational conflict and promotes a closer connection balanced with more interpersonal freedom and independence.


It’s not just a dry program; some of the videos are fun as they demonstrate what we are teaching. We have some group discussions but no one is “put on the spot” and the extent of your participation is voluntary.

    • You will learn what is at the root of most conflicts between you and your partner, and how to change those moments through a proven method that all couples can do.
    • You will receive materials that you can continue building on after the workshop.
    • The programme is based on attachment theory, Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples, and the best-selling book “Hold Me Tight: 7 Conversations for a Lifetime of Love” by Dr Sue Johnson.

Who is this workshop for?

    • Couples who are doing well and want to enhance their bond.
    • Couples who tend to get caught up in negative patterns of conflict, disconnection or cold withdrawal.
    • Couples who wish to move from relational distress and disconnection to safer and more connected bond.
    • Couples of any sexual orientation.
    • Professionals who want to learn more about the new science of love based on about 40 years of research.


This workshop will be facilitated by Kamila Kaminska and Luka Hadrych.

Kamila has worked with couples using EFT since 2016 and is a certified EFT Therapist and Supervisor. She regularly assists teaching on EFT trainings and runs private practice focused on helping couples develop more satisfying relationships. Kamila is happily married and has one child.

To find out more about Kamila and Luka, please visit the About us section of this website.


£85 per session.

Each couple will receive a hard copy of the “Hold Me Tight: Your Guide to the Most Successful Approach to Building Loving Relationships” book by Dr Sue Johnson.

To formally reserve a place in the group 50% of the overall fee must be paid at the time of booking which is non-refundable. The remaining part of the fee is due a week before the official start date of the course. It is only possible to commit to the full course and the fee is payable for all of the sessions. This includes sessions that are not attended, missed or cancelled for any reason.


To be confirmed.


Eight sessions delivered weekly online via Zoom on Mondays between 6pm and 8pm.